Author: Landry

Android photo editor 0

What is the most complete Android photo editor?

The camera has become one of the most valued elements in a mobile and the quality that reach the most leading models gets to match and even sometimes overcome what we offer some compact, hence many users...

Apple iOS 9.2 0

8 advantages of having a mobile app for your business

Mobile applications are now available to make life easier in almost all sectors. In fact, they have inspired a new class of entrepreneurs with real impact on the job and with many expectations of future. Now we...


The Digital Marketing Plan That Works Best For Your Company

Digital marketing is now an integral and inevitable part of every business’s marketing strategy. This fact is known and accepted by all business owners, irrespective of the type and dimension of the business. Digital...


Top 3 SIM Only iPhone Deals for the Money Conscious

SIM only deals are similar to the usual mobile phone contracts only that the there is no phone involved. Only the SIM is provided with accompanying monthly limits for texts, minutes and data. As a...