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Tyvm 0

5 Great Ways To Use The Word “Tyvm”

Tyvm is used as an expression of gratitude or appreciation. It can also be used to say thank you, good work, and more. This article offers five great ways you can use the word...

how to add usb header to motherboard 0

How to Add Usb Header to Motherboard

Motherboard is the base of a computer system and depending on the motherboard, it can be equipped with more than one usb header. USB header allows you to connect a peripheral device like mouse...


5 Top Tips to Get a Better Gaming Experience

Gaming is one of the most popular hobbies worldwide. With the latest upcoming technology and ever-growing community, it is a profitable and valued part of our society. Whether you are a serious player or...


Top 5 Best Cloud Storage Manager In 2022

Cloud storage management tools allow you to manage multiple cloud storage accounts or multiple cloud drives with ease. When you use different cloud storage providers or want to store data to different accounts of one...


Why Not To Use Google Drive

Google Drive provides you with data storage space for free. It works like a server where you can keep various files and any other type of data safely.