How Software Is Helping to Improve Efficiency in Schools
When it comes to education, technology can be a huge benefit to students of all ages. Textbooks are being replaced with tablets and smartboards. Laptops are commonly used in the classroom, and children have access to educational software which widens the learning experience.
But, of course, it’s not only students who benefit from new technology; there are numerous other applications aimed at easing the work burden of teaching and administration staff. As smartphone web use overtakes use of laptops, it is easy to connect with staff and parents at any time.
Parent Portal
More schools are giving parents, guardians and carers access to an online Parent Portal, where information can be found about their child’s education. Platforms vary from school to school, but generally you will be provided with information on subjects being studied in addition to homework and deadlines. You will also be able to communicate with teaching staff and view grades and test results.
School-to-Parent Communication Systems
With applications such as ParentMail or ParentPay, parents can receive instant alerts from schools via a mobile phone, tablet or computer. Parents can also make easy online payments for school trips, uniforms or dinner money and can complete permission slips and other documents. Large numbers of parents can be reached quickly, and securely with less chance for human error and savings in time and cost.
Visitor Software
Digital sign in systems provide a secure and convenient way for administrative staff to manage school visitors. With a quick swipe on a mobile phone, parents and staff can gain access to a building, eliminating the need for an old-fashioned visitor book. Software developers such as OFEC provide digital sign in systems which save time and money and provide additional security.
The latest software is designed to make life easier in the classroom and behind the scenes in the school office. Children are provided with educational tools that are fun and enhance the learning experience, while school administration is hassle-free.
Communicating with parents can be done in an instant via text message. Dinner money is collected online, so children no longer have to carry loose change into school. Visitors and staff can gain easy access to a facility, and administrators will know exactly who is in the building at any one time.